
Akatue is a social enterprise developed to create radical change.   I felt compelled to start Akatue after visiting my home town of Bolga back in the spring of 2018. When developing Akatue I discussed the socio-economic issues facing my creative friends and family in Bolga and around Ghana. I recognised if we did not develop a radical and viable solution, we would never achieve the uplift that has manged to allude my community for so long. I spent a lot of time back home in Bolga trying to understand what I could bring to the table, was my help needed, what gives me the right?
Weaving is an intrinsic part of my being, my grandmother Maa will forever be one of my biggest inspirations. She was an incredible weaver that gifted my childhood home with pieces of Africa. She was so resilient and intelligent, in another life she would have ruled the world. I am a proud African; proud of that beautiful red soil, luscious greenery, and Sensual dark bodies. My entire being is Bolga, without Bolga there would be no Akatue. Bolga is often underrepresented, misunderstood by many and we love it for that reason. Ghana forgets about the beauty created in the upper east. Creativity runs through the very pores of Bolgatanga, the suffering and beauty of its people etched into our skin
My hope for the future of Akatue is to be a company that enables weavers to make a very good living, thrive, to be able to afford their own and childrens education and  be able to retire with dignity. One of my favourite terms that has governed my life is the bantu term ‘Ubuntu’ its  a philosophy which translates as ‘I am because we are’. This was the foundation upon which Akatue is built on, we will always teach one reach one. I am so greatful my team took a chance on me and the dream we all prayed for!
As a crafts person myself its important to me that our weavers incredible skill, creativity and genius is respected and compensated appropriately.Its a big ask but we want to break the toxic cycle of  ‘ethical/fairtrade’ lipservice. We are not a Fairtrade company, we will never sell ourselves off gratuitous shots of Africa. What we believe and our actions will come to show is  finding creative and innovative ways to develop the landscape of true craft.  We are a non-hierarchical company striving towards our common goal: change.   Akatue is invested in bringing to you the best quality home accessories in the world. We hope you find something that brings joy to your life and that you’ll treasure!